Nathan Hale Rangers
1973 Memorials
If you can provide any missing obituaries,
please use the "Contact Us" page to send them.

Art Adam

Wesley Allbritton

2012 Mike Allsop passed away on Jan 18, 2012 in Hillsborough, NJ. He was a baseball player, ice hockey defenseman, and lifelong golfer. Mike attended OSU prior to transferring to TU where he graduated with a B.S. in education. Mike taught history and social studies at Jenks High School before starting a 32-year telecommunications career, beginning with Southwestern Bell and finishing with Verizon in NY and NJ. He is survived by his wife, a son, his father and 2 brothers.

2008 Steve L. Apker passed away on Apr 15, 2008. He was a retired salesman. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, his parents, 3 sisters and a brother.

Mike Austin

2016 Bob E. Bachtell, petroleum industry sales worker, passed away Oct 19, 2016.

Noren Bass

Jack Baugess

1998 Paul Bello passed away in 1998 from liver cancer due to contracting Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion. Paul Bello was always into cars, after high school he opened an auto repair shop called Autometric's, specializing in import engine repair. He also loved flying and lived at Airman's Acres where the air strip was adjacent to his home. He was a world traveler, polo player, juggler and explorer.

Sandy Beshara-Loerch

Stan Black

Casey Blair

Rick Bohn

Jerry Bolen

2011 T. Frank Booth passed away on Sep 28, 2011. One of his favorite spots was Grand Lake. It was there at the Shangri-La Resort that he discovered his passion for the culinary arts and food service. No matter where he was or what other jobs he may have taken, he always gravitated back to cooking. He seemed most proud when he explained how he made an exotic sounding dish and someone had “eaten his food”. He is survived by a brother and sister.

2011 Kenneth L. Boyce Jr. passed away on Sep 7, 2011. He was an air and refrigeration serviceman. Kenneth was also a member and had several friends in the motorcycle clubs around this area. He is survived by his mother and father, a son and 2 daughters, 2 sisters and 2 grandchildren.

Cathy Burnett-Neal

Tom Butler

2003 Davy C. Campbell passed away on Nov 22, 2003. After high school he received his bachelor's and master's degrees in agronomy from OSU. He was an employee of Southern Agriculture in Tulsa. He loved spending time with his son and enjoyed his job and woodworking hobby. He is survived by his parents, a son and his brother.

2016 W. Jerry Carter III, 61, of Orlando, FL passed away on June 24, 2016. Jerry was born in Venezuela but called many places home, including: Oklahoma, Texas, California, and Florida. He worked as a carpenter that focused on giving back to others in the Orlando community. Jerry loved to play the guitar, watch his beloved Florida Gators and Miami Dolphins football games, read, cook spicy Mexican food, and spend days at the dog races with his wife of 30 years.

Roy Charloe

2010 J. Pat Chittom passed away on Sep 5, 2010. His last known residence was in Indiana.

2011 Connie S. Comfort-Mason passed away on Mar 28, 2011 in Glenpool. She earned a nursing degree from TJC and worked as a Registered Nurse for St. Francis/ Broken Arrow Rehab for many years. She is survived by her husband and daughter.

Lisa Corbett-Enlow

Kathleen Cowsert-Hodge

Mike Cox

2014 Don E. Creitz passed away on Mar 18, 2014 in Tulsa. He was an auto mechanic at Danny's Defferential.

William David Darr

Steve Davis 11-5-2022

2009 Stuart L. Day passed away on Apr 20, 2009. After high school he graduated from TU. He was employed for many years by the Philbrook Art Center and later by the Sherwin Miller Museum. Stuart was an amateur photographer, classical guitarist and enjoyed time with family and friends. He is survived by his brother and sister.

Marleah Deaton-Baird

1992 Jack P. Dobbins IV passed away in June, 1992 in a home accident. As a young boy he played baseball on teams coached by his Dad. As he grew old enough to drive his interest turned to cars. Jack owned several classics including a Dodge Charger and a '57 Chevy Bel Air. After high school, he made his living as a skilled machinist and was working at the Braden Winch Co.

Larry S. Dooley

Michele Do Remus

Vickie Eldridge

Jeff English

Dennis Fast

Rex Ferguson

2013 Twyla G. Fetters-Layman passed away on Sep 17, 2013. Twyla was a homemaker and she enjoyed cooking. She liked to talk and enjoyed just being around people. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, her mother, a sister and 4 grandchildren.

Troy Foote