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Tulsa, Oklahoma

Hale Ranger flag
Cathy Holden
Nathan Hale Rangers Crest

Hale Alumni

Over 20,000 young Tulsans have made their way out into the adult world through the halls of Nathan Hale High School.


With this website you can learn more about our school, its history and the amazing people proud to be known as Hale Rangers.


The Nathan Hale Alumni Foundation operates under the leadership of committed volunteers.  Please join us.


In these days of crushing budget cuts one of the most meaningful ways that alumni can express their loyalty and belief in their school is through donations of time, project and scholarship funding, to benefit today's students.

Rangers Lead
The Way

The Nathan Hale High School Alumni Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization consisting of alumni and friends dedicated to the educational advancement of the school through contribution of goods, services and funding.


Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at Hale.  The foundation’s annual board meeting is the first Thursday in May.

© 2016 Nathan Hale Alumni Foundation

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